Tomorrow is Thanksgiving (obvs), and this time of year always make me feel nostalgic. I love reflecting on the awesomeness that has come into my life and remembering my journey from an unhappy point in my life to a happy one. I have so many reasons to be thankful, especially things I take for granted, such as warm showers, a place to live, a job that pays me well enough to live independently, clothes, and never going hungry.
Today, I want to share with you a few things that I'm thankful for this year:
1. Jon: Next month, we'll have been together for four years, and it's amazing that I've found someone who puts up with my sassiness and mood swings and wants to be with me for the rest of my life. Being in love is such a beautiful thing, and I really hope that everyone gets to experience it one day.
2. Molly and Farah: There are no words for the amount of love I have for my dogs. I love coming home because they're always the first things I see. They greet me with so much glee. It doesn't matter what went wrong during my day, seeing my puppies always cheers me up.
3. My family: We've never been very family-oriented as far as talking about our feelings and keeping in touch every single day, but I am so thankful to have a family who loves and supports me. I have such a large, dysfunctional family, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
5. Friendship: The combination of being a military brat and graduating from college leaves me with friends all over the place. It's so fun to simultaneously plan a Friendsgiving with my local friends and reunions with college roommates and other people that I've met throughout my life's journey. I'm so thankful for my friends and all of the happiness they bring into my life.
6. My job: My current job is literally the best job I've ever had, and it's made me feel like a real adult to have my own desk, a company email, and even my own business card (that I hardly ever have a reason to hand out). I'm so excited about the opportunities I've been given and to see what the future holds for my career.
A photo posted by Tiffany Khyla White (@tiffanykhyla) on
7. My love of writing: Last night, I won NaNoWriMo. I wish I could describe the feeling of elation I felt. I finished the first draft of my novel in under 30 days, and it feels so great. I'm excited to see what comes of it, but for now, I'm just happy to have finished.
8. Endless Bliss readers: I love this blog. I loved this blog even when no one read it. I love writing, and getting to do it every day and have people actually respond to what I'm writing and making connections with people around the world is what keeps me coming back to share bits of my life in my little corner of the internet. Thank you so much for reading my blog!
9. Netflix: Okay, seriously. I'm so thankful for Netflix. It gives me the perfect excuse to spend whole Sundays on the couch.
10. Books: Because the bookworm life is the only life I know.
A photo posted by Tiffany Khyla White (@tiffanykhyla) on
11. Fuzzy socks: I wouldn't be surviving this winter fall without fuzzy socks. I keep them on my feet every second that I'm home (and sometimes when I'm not home. I'll wear them with my boots. I don't want to change socks because there's a few seconds of cold feet that I don't want to deal with).
12.Chicken wings:Sushi:Potatoes in every form:Food: I've always been the kind of person that will buy lunch before I buy shoes. Even this weekend, I went to the mall and visited about five different stores, and all I walked out with was lunch from the food court. It was so worth the trip, too.
13. J.K. Rowling: #always
14. Supernatural: Because Jensen. And Jared. And Misha.
15. Hot cocoa: I wouldn't have made it through November without hot cocoa. Almost every time I sat down to write my book, I had a cup of hot cocoa next to me.
A photo posted by Tiffany Khyla White (@tiffanykhyla) on
I hope you have a beautiful holiday with your loved ones! I'm excited to eat until I pass out and then wake up and do it all over again. Happy Thanksgiving!
I've been obsessing over the Moda VoxBox! It's filled with everything you need for any occasion: going to work, a day date, or a night out with the girls!
Jergens has always been one of my favorite lotion brands. I use it almost everyday after I shower to moisturize my skin. Now that I have this travel-sized bottle, I keep it in my purse, which is especially handy with my skin drying out due to the weather. Lather some of this lotion on your skin before you go out, and make your skin feel soft and lovely all night.
I brought this bottle of water to work and sipped on it all day. Water is always my drink of choice, and this water is so refreshing. When you're out on the town, it's so important to stay hydrated, especially when you're doing a lot of dancing and sipping some adult beverages.
I'll be the first to tell you that I know absolutely nothing about fashion. It's kind of pathetic actually. I have to be in a certain mindset to have a successful shopping trip, and I've never been hung up on brand names. My wardrobe is pretty plain, and I'm okay with that.
That's not to say that I don't enjoy fashion. I love looking at style books and fashion blogs and my fashion Pinterest board is out of control. This is why I was so excited to pick up Refinery29: Style Stalking by Christene Barberich and Piera Gelardi.
Not only are the pages filled with gorgeous pictures, there's also lots of good tips and tricks for someone like me who has little to no fashion knowledge and for the people who already consider themselves fashionistas. Look at this gorgeous first page:
The book is divided into several sections, including denim, black, metallics, mixed prints, brights, and many more. My personal favorites were brights and mixed prints. I love wearing bright colors, no matter the season. Also, I've never been good at mixing prints, but I love looking at how others do it. Maybe this book will help me with that.
Probably my favorite page in the whole book. I love that pink purse!
Each section is also divided even further into different sections:
BASIC TRAINING: Each section starts with five simple tips on how you can master each form of style
STYLE MOVES: Tips for how to take on the style
1 PIECE, 3 WAYS: Pretty self-explanatory. It takes one piece and styles it in three different ways.
RULE BREAKERS: Tips on how to step outside of the box
YEAR-ROUND: Tips on how to wear it for every season
Q&A: A question and answer session with a fashionista
ZOOM LENS: Spotlight on pieces that bring the style to the next level
I give this book a 4 out of 5. I'm excited to add it to my coffee table book collection.
I received this book complimentary from Blogging for Books for an honest review.
With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, I'm so excited to spend time with my family and have a fun Friendsgiving with my friends, but I'm also super pumped about Black Friday shopping. I've only been a few times before, and I usually don't take advantage of all the great deals as much as I should. I do, however, stock up on as many movies as humanly possible, buying 15 or so DVDs, sometimes more. It's just such a great deal. How could I pass it up?
This year though, Jon and I are going Black Friday together for the first time ever, and we're looking to get a decent camera so I can finally take some decent pictures for this here blog, which is why I'm so thankful that Shopular sent me this awesome Black Friday Survival Kit. It really has everything I could possibly need to make my night as comfortable and successful as possible.
It's always good to go into Black Friday with a plan. If you don't have one, you may find yourself lost in the chaos. One way I like to prepare is by using the Shopular app. It's the most convenient way to shop all of the Black Friday deals.
In the app, you can choose your favorite stores, so you don't have to shuffle through all of the stores you don't care about. The Shopular app has all of the Black Friday ads right there on your fingertips, so it'll easily be your go-to guide when you're shopping. Within each ad, you can also favorite certain pages, so you don't have to look through every page of the app. Instead, you can just look at the pages you're interested in. I'm obsessed with this app and have shared it with my friends and co-workers to help them get their Black Friday shopping done too!
The Black Friday Kit came with so many things for me to be comfortable while waiting in line to get inside or waiting in line to make my purchases.
1//QuestBar Protein Bar: We all know that eating turkey makes us sleepy, so when we're in line for the Black Friday deals, we need to stay energized and pumped. People are ruthless, and if you are going in for something specific, you have to enough energy to fight for it! But hopefully it won't come to that. In any case, these Quest bars will help fill up the little bit of room you may have left in your stomach after stuffing yourself with twelve plates and get you ready to shop.
2// Vermints: It's always good to have some tasty mints on hand. Pop one in your mouth while you're on the run or waiting in the check-out line. Plus, they're organic! Use the promo code A07MGX0M1D6B for 25% off!
3// Stress Ball: Black Friday is the most stressful shopping day of the year. Having a stress ball around will help keep you from tearing someone's head off getting too stressed out.
4//Crazy Rumors Lip Balm: Now that the weather is cooler, it's always good to have some lip balm on hand. I tried the Raspberry Sorbet flavor, and it smells so good! You can use the promo code SHOPULAR for 20% off until 12/15/14!
5// Simbihaiti Hair Bracelets: With the crowds, deals, and chaos of Black Friday, your hair isn't something that you should also have to worry about. With these awesome hair bracelets, you can tie your hair back and forget about it. I'm officially in love with these hair ties. They're so cute, and contribute to a good cause. Each hair tie is handmade in Haiti and helps bring clean water and jobs to the country.
6// Foot Petals: One setback of Black Friday is having to be on your feet for several hours at a time. With Foot Petals, you can put them in your shoes, so being on your feet won't be so bad.
After a successful Black Friday shopping trip, the first thing you'll want to do is get home and relax.
7// Dearfoams: Give your feet a hug by putting on these super comfortable Dearfoams slippers. It's like walking on pillows. They're so comfy!
8//Cosmetic Boulevard Coffee Scrub: Run the bath and pamper your skin with this coffee scrub. Not only will you smell good, but your skin will feel fabulous. You deserve to be pampered after all that hard work you did!
Do you go Black Friday shopping? How do you prepare for it? What would be in your Black Friday survival kit?
Thanks to Shopular for sending me this awesome Black Friday Survival Kit!
I was recently tagged by Allison to share 20 facts about me and also tagged by Erica for the Liebster Award, which I don't qualify for (and neither did she haha), but I'm going to answer all of her lovely questions anyway.
I guess it would ironic for me to say that I haven't talked about myself on my blog in a long time, but in a sense, it's kind of true. When I compare my day-to-day life to what I blog about, y'all are only getting part of the story. If I took y'all through a typical day with me, you would probably fall asleep about halfway through. Most of my day consists of me sitting at a computer, either at work or at home (with the combo of blogging and NaNoWriMo this month, I feel like I'm always glued to my screen!).
I say all that to say, I'm excited to share 20 random facts about myself with all of my lovely readers!
1// Back when MySpace was a thing in high school, I used to run a separate MySpace page for contests called Heels Over Head Contests, inspired by Boys Like Girls, who I was obsessed with at the time. It actually had quite a few entries and voters. (I wasn't alone in doing this, okay? Tons of people had these contest sites!)
2// I've never broken a bone or had the chicken pox.
3// When I was in elementary school, I had a beta fish named Bob. He died after just 6 months, and he received a proper toilet bowl funeral.
4// I could eat sushi every single day of my life. Yum! (Is it morbid for me to mention this after talking about my fish?)
5// I'm a not-so secret fangirl at best. I'm obsessed with all things Harry Potter and Supernatural, and I'm not ashamed. In January, I'll be going to Houston for Supernatural Con, and I don't know how I'm going to be able to control myself when I meet Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins. My heart rate went up just thinking about it.
6// My happy place is in the Mediterranean Sea outside of Rome.
7// I shouldn't be allowed to meet famous (or even semi-famous) people. With Shreveport becoming known as the "Hollywood of the South," I've run into famous people randomly. Amber Tamblyn, Stephen Lang, Treat Williams and a few others I can't think of right now. Also, to me, authors are celebrities, so meeting them is a thrill (#bookworm). Not to mention meeting James and Oliver Phelps in Dallas. I'm always awkward around famous people. I'm awkward in general, but it's times a million when I'm meeting someone well-known. I get tongue-tied. I can't stop smiling. I can't control my body or the words that come out of my mouth. It's not pretty. Tell me they're just people all you want, but it doesn't help. Apologizing in advance to everyone I meet at Supernatural Con.
8// My real life job is working as a sales coordinator at a dual-brand hotel. I love my co-workers, and everyday is pretty unpredictable. Working in hospitality really makes you appreciate good service everywhere you go. Another random tidbit: I was the first promotion in the hotel. We're a new hotel that opened in 2012, and I was part of the opening team, but I was working front desk. After 8 months, I was given the opportunity to get my first ever promotion, and I jumped at the chance.
9// I take Halloween costumes very seriously. This year, I dressed up as Mr. T.
A photo posted by Tiffany Khyla White (@tiffanykhyla) on
10// When I was younger, I used to think I was supposed to pee standing up. Mind you, I was living with just my dad and my brother at the time.
11// I used to have a My-Size Barbie. Never got a Barbie Jeep though. Still waiting... (And yes, I did have my birthday at Burger King)
12// The first concert I ever went to was a Switchfoot concert at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. One of the opening bands was The Format, and I fell in love with them. And yes, I did get to meet them. And yes, I do listen to fun. too.
13// I love when the power goes out. All the disappointments of everything in the fridge and freezer pushed aside, I just like the idea of living, albeit temporarily, without power (I don't know that I could actually survive long-term without it). When I was younger, anytime the power would go out, my siblings and I would play board games together in the candlelight, so when it goes out now, I expect people to just know to break out the board games and play them with me.
14// I took my first step at 7 months old, and it was documented (apparently on a Saturday?).
15// I'm black and Filipino, and every day, I'm sad that I never learned to speak Tagalog. Perhaps there's still time?
16// I call all dogs 'puppies,' and I'm obsessed with mine. World, this is Molly and Farah. Molly and Farah, this is the world.
Molly's the little one being crushed. Farah is the one crushing her.
17// I have an obsessive personality. Sometimes, I get these ideas in my head that I just can't shake, so I'll dedicate a few weeks or a few months to it before I move on to the next obsession. Right now, I'm obsessed with buying records. On the day I found out Blogcation was canceled, I spent a little bit of the money I had been saving up for it on a record players and some records. Now I can't stop buying them.
A photo posted by Tiffany Khyla White (@tiffanykhyla) on
18// I LOVE MOSCATO! My new favorite is Astoria Lounge Sparkling Moscato. It's so delicious.
19// Talents I wish I had: singing, dancing, painting, public speaking, playing piano
20// I love free things: free samples, chotskies, hand-me-downs. Even if I don't need them, I want them, and I'll take them, and I'll be so happy about them. Give me all the free things!
If you could up and go to anywhere in the world for the rest of the day, where would you go, who be your travel buddy, and what would you see/do there?
I would go to Australia with my sister, Bre. I've been talking for years about how I want to go to Australia, but it seems like it's the most expensive country/continent to travel to! I would hang out with some kangaroos and koalas, learn to surf and find a job, because I'd never leave!
You’ve just had an insanely ridiculously tiring and stressful day at school/work/blogging in your pajamas with hot tea and macarons all day. Top 3 ways to de-stress?
1. Wine
2. Puppy cuddles
3. Netflix
Who do you think are the two most influential (guy and girl!) people in the world today?
Girl: I'd have to say Emma Watson. I love that she's using her fame to educate people on feminism. She's always so poised and beautiful and is such an amazing inspiration to everyone today.
Guy: Is it sad that I can't think of anyone besides Emma Watson right now?
What song best fits your personality?
Right now - "Be Okay" by Oh Honey
If you could re-name yourself today, what would it be?
I can't imagine being named anything but Tiffany Khyla White, but if I could change my name to Taylor Swift and actually be Taylor Swift, then I would be okay with that.
Best blogging tip you’ve ever received?
Install Disqus. Disqus has literally changed my blogging game.
The most popular 3 websites in your computer history?
Socks, sweaters, and fleece leggings. Baby, it's cold outside.
What are you most excited for right now?
FRIENDSGIVING! I can't wait to have some of my favorite people in one place.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?
Not advice, but one of my favorite quotes: "I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all." I just love that quote by CoCo Chanel so much because it pretty much embodies how I want to think. I don't want to think or care about what people think about me because what matters is how I feel about myself.
If you made it here, yay for you! You win a hug! You can redeem at a later date if we ever meet in person. If you'd like to do the 20 facts tag, then consider yourself officially tagged! If you do it, share your link in the comments below so I can learn more about you too!
My blogger friends and I have teamed up to bring you another fun giveaway! One lucky winner will win a $750 cash prize (via Paypal) and it just might be you!
If you want a chance to be the lucky winner, here’s what you need to do - bookmark this page and come back every day to enter and earn bonus entries by sharing the giveaway with your friends on social media. Good luck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. All entries are optional. Giveaway ends 12/16 and is open worldwide.
Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers!
When I got serious about blogging, I had no idea that there was a whole vast world behind it. Once I finally dove in and got serious about blogging, I realized that I had so much to learn.
As I always say, I'm definitely no expert, but I do like to share things that I have helped me grow as a blogger, so I want to share a few things that I wish I had known before I got serious about my blog.
Disclaimer: I'm no expert by any means. I just like sharing the things that have worked for me, and I'm crossing my fingers that if you take my advice, it will work for you too!
This isn't something I wanted to accept at the beginning. I was determined to do everything on my own without paying a dime, but it doesn't always work out that way. If you want to get your blog noticed, you are looking at an investment. Just like any business, you have to put money into your blog in order to get what you want out of it. Things you'll be investing in for your blog:
1// DOMAIN NAME. There are tons of sites for you to purchase a domain name. I purchased mine through GoDaddy for $1.
2// DECENT BLOG DESIGN. You don't need to dish out hundreds of dollars from the get-go. Do your research and compare prices and designers to find a designer that you'd feel confident spending your money on. You can also try your luck at entering giveaways where bloggers are giving away designs. Also, take advantage of designers who are having design sales!
3// SPONSORSHIPS. If you want to get the word out there about your blog, invest in sponsorships with other bloggers to help drive traffic to your site.
As mentioned above, blogging is an investment, and the first thing you should invest in is a domain name. Having a domain name and dropping the blogspot or wordpress in your site will help people realize that you're serious about your blog and are more apt to take you seriously.
There are tons of tutorials out there to help you take good pictures for your blog. Even if you just have a camera phone, there are tons of ways for you to edit your pictures to make them look decent. Check out tutorials on Pinterest or from other bloggers. People are drawn to photos and visuals, and that's especially true with blogging. Like the saying goes, a picture is worth 1000 words.
If you want to be serious about blogging, then you should keep a blogging schedule. Blogs that post once a month or once every other week sporadically are less likely to get engagement compared to blogs that have new posts consistently. If you only have time to post once a week or a couple times a week, try to post on the same day(s) each week. Also, try to post at the same time each day. This makes it easier for your readers to know when to expect new blog posts from you.
Don't just post to post; post because you have something to say. As great as it is for your blog post numbers to climb, it's even better to publish posts that are quality material. So don't worry about putting blog posts out every single day; publish posts of substance.
Nothing is more frustrating than trying to get in contact with a blogger who doesn't have their contact information prominently displayed. I hate when I want to contact someone, and I have to search all over their blog for an email address, and sometimes, I get so frustrated, I just give up. Sure, you can comment on their posts, but not all bloggers reply to posts, and sometimes, replies aren't delivered to your own inbox. If you want people to contact you and engage with your blog, make it easier for people to do so. I suggest having a "Contact" tab on your navigation bar where you include an email for people to contact you and also display your social media sites in case they're more comfortable with contact through social media.
It's so easy for older posts to get lost in all the hubbub of new posts. Linking back to your past posts in your new posts will help drive engagement to your older posts.
This is especially important if you plan on pinning your images to Pinterest. The internet is so vast, and with images, articles, and hashtags going unpredictably viral, you never know if your photos or blog post may become the center of attention. Watermark your images with your blog name or website to attract people to your site, and they can enjoy all of the other awesome content on your blog. People are always stealing images, so if you want to allow people to use your images, at least take the initiative to take ownership of them.
Just like you don't want people to steal your photos, you shouldn't do that to others either. If you use other people's photos, try to get permission and always, always, always site the source. Also, you know that whole plagiarism thing they talked about in school and how not to do it? Same goes with blogging.
Why do you want to blog? Whatever your answer is, hold onto that during your blogging journey, and when that statement starts to fall to the wayside, and you're no longer having fun or enjoying blogging, take a break from it (or stop altogether if you don't feel like continuing). Blogging usually starts as a hobby, which means you should have fun doing it. When that isn't true for you anymore, don't feel like you have to keep doing it.
There's a reason no one is a blogging expert. It's because there's always something to learn. The blogging world is always growing and adapting, but hopefully these tips will help you make a smooth transition into it.
When I got serious about blogging, I had no idea that there was a whole vast world behind it. Once I finally dove in and got serious about blogging, I realized that I had so much to learn.
As I always say, I'm definitely no expert, but I do like to share things that I have helped me grow as a blogger, so I want to share a few things that I wish I had known before I got serious about my blog.
Disclaimer: I'm no expert by any means. I just like sharing the things that have worked for me, and I'm crossing my fingers that if you take my advice, it will work for you too!
Before you start blogging, think long and hard about a blog name that you want to keep long term. I changed my blog name about three times before I settled down on this one, and now I can't imagine changing it to anything else. Starting off with a name that you don't plan on changing down the road will be easier for so many reasons.
1// When you create your social media accounts associated with your blog, you don't have to worry about changing your tags or social media URLs.
2// You won't confuse your followers. There are some blogs I followed that changed their name with no warning, and I assumed the fell off the face of the earth, come to find they just changed their name.
3// You don't have to worry about buying a new domain name. I've never had to switch over a domain name because I didn't buy one until I settled on this blog name (luckily). I can only imagine how big of a hassle it would be.
If you're looking at starting a blog for a get rich quick scheme or just to get free stuff, then blogging may not be for you. I you want to blog, you should do it for other reasons like your passion to write or share your thoughts on certain subjects with others. I never thought as blogging as a full-time job or anything like that. I didn't even know that was a thing until I really started dedicating myself to my blog. Earning money or getting free stuff from your blog is a perk if your blog does get to that point, but don't expect it all to happen right off the bat.
One of the beautiful things about social media is that there are so many of them, meaning that you can communicate with others in the way that you're most comfortable to do so. One of the burdens of social media is also that there are so many of them. It may seem inconvenient to have to keep up with so many social media accounts, but having accounts on the major social media sites gives your readers options. Most bloggers have Bloglovin, so that's a great way for bloggers to keep up with each other, but what about the people that aren't bloggers? Take the time to maintain social media accounts on all the major sites, namely Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. This will help further your blog's reach and gain readers from different avenues.
It's so easy to get carried away comparing everything about your blog to other blogs. Whether its their layout, their content, their 'about me' section, or even the blogger, you're always going to feel like someone out there is doing it better than you. The important thing to remember is why you started blogging. Focus on yourself, your content, and growing your blog rather than trying to do what other bloggers are already out there doing.
Question for you: Why do you even want to start a blog? Once you answer that question, make it your mantra. Focus on that every time you sit down to blog. Remember that when you're blogging, you're blogging for yourself and not the rest of the world. Don't focus on the numbers, how many followers you have, how much money you're making. If you focus on that, your passion won't shine through, so focus on blogging for yourself, and you'll be surprised how quickly other people will connect with you.
Sometimes, you won't feel like writing. Sometimes, you go on vacation and you're away from a computer. Sometimes, you're having a grand time living your life. That's okay. You shouldn't feel obligated to blog every single day. You should want to want to blog every day. There's never any reason to apologize for missing a day.
I've seen blogs with 1000, 3000, or even 7000+ followers, but their blog posts only have 1-5 comments. It's great to have thousands of followers, but if no one is actually reading your content, then your followers aren't a legitimate representation of your blog's success. In my humble opinion, I would rather have lower numbers and more comments rather than higher numbers and little no comments. I love engaging with my readers, but if no one is commenting on my posts, then there's no one to actually engage with. So you have to decide what's more important to you: growing the number of followers you have or growing your actual readership.
I've always said that blogging isn't just about sharing things that you want to say; it's also about connecting with others and reading about what others have to say too. If you really want to have a successful blog, reading and commenting on other blogs should be a part of your blog routine. Networking is key when it comes to running a successful blog, which brings me to my next point...
Or join a few of them. Most networks have a minimum amount of followers or page views in order for you to join. There are also lots of Facebook groups that you can join that don't have a minimum requirement. Look into joining those and start connecting with bloggers. Join networks that apply to your niche or join them based on location, age group, etc. This makes it easier for you to connect with bloggers that have the same interests as you.
I didn't even know what Google Analytics was for several months after I started blogging. I based my stats on my Blogger views, which I later learned was pretty inaccurate (ironically enough). When you're working with or trying to work with other brands, they often ask for stats, and many times, they request it from Google Analytics, because it's the most accurate. Sign up for it as soon as you start your blog to ensure that your blog's statistics are up-to-date.
Be looking out for part 2 of Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Blogging tomorrow!
What things do you wish you knew before you started blogging?