Endless Bliss | Happy Lifestyle Blog

Quarter-Life Crises and Making Changes

Something I've been trying to figure out lately is why no one tells you how hard your 20's are. I mean, seriously, there are millions of people in the world who have already survived their 20's, yet no one seems to want to offer any kind of warning about how much your 20's really take a toll on you.  A little over a month ago, I felt like I was at the end of my rope. My anxiety was through the roof, and I decided to go to the doctor to figure out what was happening. Panic attacks were something serious. I was in my head a lot. The self-doubt was never ending, and it was like every single part of my life stressed me out. I cried a lot by myself and fell into a mini depression because I just felt so lost.  When...
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Baby, You're My Summer Jam

Summer is upon us, y'all. Even though summer technically doesn't start until Sunday, it's been feeling like summer for quite some time down in Louisiana. The humidity is outrageous, the heat is unbearable and the sun has come out to play.  For a lot of people, summer is synonymous with vacation, and I'm no exception to this. I only have one trip planned for the summer (Chicago for T. Swift, duh), but I'm hoping for a spontaneous road trip or two. And what's the best part of a spontaneous road trip? Picking the music! Okay, well, maybe that's not the best part, but having a good summer road trip playlist is definitely a fun way to get excited about your trip. These are a few of my current favorite summer...
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Favorite Childhood Movie Characters | Guest Post

Special thanks to Emily from Little Flecks of Gold for sharing her favorite childhood movie characters in today's guest post! It’s only natural that our favorite childhood movies will have a new meaning to us when we’re older, it’s always a pleasant surprise when you realize your favorite childhood movies are filled with strong female characters and inspirational storylines, not just slyly mature dialogue. Lately, when I’ve rewatched a few of my favorite childhood movies, I’ve been able to see the characters that influenced me the most as a child, whether it was to improve, stand up for, or simply be myself. While I have many I could add to this list, here are just a few of my favorites: Lily Moskowitz I was...
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Ingrid Nilsen is Gay & I Love Her

Ingrid Nilsen came out in a video on her YouTube channel yesterday, and in spite of the video being nearly 20 minutes long, I watched it several times because I was so moved by her bravery and just the rawness of it all. [Scroll down to the bottom of this post to watch!] When I saw the thumbnail for the video, I honestly thought "What?" because I had no idea, and I think that goes to show that even when you make your life public on the internet, so much of yourself is still hidden.  I've been a viewer of Ingrid's before I even created my own YouTube channel. I love her adorable and bubbly personality and her goofy sayings. She's such an inspiration to, not only me, but also the more than 3 million...
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Most Anticipated Summer 2015 Book Releases | Guest Post

I read A LOT; like over 100 books a year (150+ last year) a lot so I am always on the hunt for new books! This summer there are tons of new books coming out so I thought I'd put together a list of the ones I'm most excited about! For this list I defined summer as May-September. Lara Jean didn’t expect to really fall for Peter. She and Peter were just pretending. Except suddenly they weren’t. Now Lara Jean is more confused than ever.When another boy from her past returns to her life, Lara Jean’s feelings for him return too. Can a girl be in love with two boys at once? In this charming and heartfelt sequel to the New York Times bestseller To All the Boys I've Loved Before, we see first love through...
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3 Things I Learned About Finances in College

No one has ever accused me of being amazing at handling money. It's not that I have a spending problem, I just don't pay attention to the money I spend. Most girls spend money on clothes and shoes, but I'm that girl that was spends money on books and food. While my money habits haven't exactly gotten better, my money management skills in college were absolutely horrible. I had periods of not even having a job and how I survived is a mystery to us all.  I think the best thing that came out of my bad spending habits in college is that I was able to learn what not to do when I finally entered the "real world" and had to start paying for things like water and electricity. I guess my only complaint would...
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The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith | #BlissfulBookTalk

The May read for #BlissfulBookTalk was The Cuckoo's Calling written by J.K. Rowling under her pseudonym Robert Galbraith. I've had this book sitting on my shelf for so long, and my goal for naming it for the May read was to finally dust off the cover and get it read, and I'm so glad I pushed myself to do it.  The Cuckoo's Calling is about a private detective named Cormoran Strike who is hired to take on the case of the alleged suicide of supermodel, Lula Landry. While most of the world is convinced that Lula let her fame get the best of her and decided to jump off of her balcony, her brother, Bristow, is convinced that foul play was involved. With the help of his temporary assistant, Robin, Cormoran...
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