I'm not gonna lie - some days, I just really don't feel like adulting. More often than not, I'd rather sleep in and do everything in bed - read, watch Netflix, eat, go back to sleep. Sometimes, being an adult is just so daunting. Between waking up early, paying the bills, cooking my own meals and endless cleaning, it's just all too much. Can't I just be a kid again? If I could put off being an adult for a little while, I would...
...travel to a place I've never been before.
I have so many places I'd like to visit, and it's like every day, my list of dream destinations continues to grow. Australia is definitely number one, but there are so many more. If I didn't have to go to work and make money to, ya know, live, I would be traveling the world.
...go out to dinner and order a bottle of wine.
I've always wanted to do this, but buying a bottle of wine at a restaurant is exponentially more expensive than just buying one glass, which I'm more apt to do. One and done, my friends.
...read all the books on my TBR list.
Imagine how much reading I'd get done if I didn't have to do all of the adult things on my to-do list! I'd be one happy bookworm and just read all the time.
...dye my hair a crazy color.
I've always wanted to dye my hair, but there was always a reason not to, usually school and/or work. If I didn't have to adult, I would go crazy and dye my hair a random color like purple or red.
...buy a bike.
I want a bike so much, but it'd be almost pointless for me to make the investment because I have no time to ride it. Oh, the places I'd go if I had the time though.
...pull an all-nighter just to watch a TV show on my Netflix list.
If I didn't have to sleep, I'd watch all the shows on my Netflix list. So much TV, so little time.
...finish editing my book.
It's so hard for me to divide my time between work, blogging and YouTube. Add in book editing, and my head is spinning with all of the things I have to do. I need to stop being so ambitious. If I didn't have to adult, I'd have so much more time to finish my book.
I remember when I had time to paint. I'm not really good at it, but painting is something that just makes me happy. It's calming and fun, and I love showing my paintings to Jon, because he always tells me they're beautiful even when they're not.
...take a bath.
I don't remember the last time I took a bath. I wish I had more time for them. I'd take them all the time and use all the bath bombs.
...go glamping.
I'd love to get a cabin in the woods, spend some time on the lake and just unplug, but who has time for that?
If you could put off being an adult for a little while, what would you want to do?
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