I read this book because its sequel is going to be talked about at the Austin Teen Book Festival that I'm going to TOMORROW. I wish I had enough time to read its sequel, Fire with Fire. I had heard of a few books by Jenny Han, but I hadn't read them. I hadn't heard of Siobhan Vivian before though. I'm sad that I'm not going to be able to read Fire with Fire before the panel tells me all the spoilers, but I'm sure I'll still enjoy it because I'll know all of the main characters and such.
Brief Summary
Burn for Burn tells the story of three girls from three different worlds with one thing in common, their thirst for revenge. Lillia is one of the popular girls. She's on the cheerleading squad and she's super rich. This past summer, something tragic and horrible happened to her, and she's determined not let anything like that happen to her little sister, Nadia. Her best friend, Rennie, was there when it all went down, but she didn't even try to help Lillia or even talk to her about it afterward.
Kat is a rebel who's fallen for Alex, a guy in Lillia's close group of friends. She also used to be best friends with Rennie. She's tired of Alex ignoring her and acting like nothing happened between them this past summer.
Mary used to live on Jar Island (the island where all of this takes place), but she moved away after Reeve, another close friend of Lillia's, hurts her in the worst way possible. She moved away after the events happened long ago, but now she's back to show Reeve who's boss.
These three girls become unlikely friends with one goal: revenge.
My Thoughts
I can't say enough how much I loved this book. At first, it was kind of slow, but it picked up pretty quickly. I also love and appreciate that the girls that are on the cover are reflective of the three main characters in the book. A lot of books don't do that nowadays.
Anyway, this book is told from three different perspectives, one of each of the girls. I felt so deeply connected to each of the characters because they all have something tragic that's happened to them in the past. They open up to each other and feed off of each other's vulnerability. Even though each one of them wanted to pull out at one point, they all stuck through it.
The story really heats up at the end when they're at homecoming. I literally couldn't put the book down. Then I got mad because it just ends, and you HAVE to get the second one. That's why I'm itching to see what happens. There's something strange happening with Mary. You don't know what's going to happen to Reeve. Are the girls going to end up being friends? I just have so many questions.
I'll give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. It was truly amazing, and I can't wait to get my hands on Fire with Fire. I'll probably end up buying it at the festival. Now I'm super pumped to meet both of the authors this weekend. Ah!

Have fun.. I love meeting authors!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes :)