Endless Bliss | Happy Lifestyle Blog: picture perfect memories.

picture perfect memories.

Day 9 of the Thankful Project is all about a picture. I'm very excited to share this picture with all of you.

When I graduated from college, my dad drove all the way from South Carolina to come see me walk. My dad is one of my favorite people in the world. He is one of the strongest men I know, and he knows how to keep his head up even when he has every reason to just be upset and give up. He always tells me how proud of me he is, and he is definitely my biggest supporter. 

I don't think I'll ever get a picture with my entire family (maybe at my wedding?), but this picture just makes me very happy. My step-dad hardly ever takes pictures, and I barely ever get to see my dad, so I love this picture so much because they are both in it. I also love how happy my mom looks in this picture. She is always laughing at something. The lady on the far left is one of my mom's oldest friends, Nicole. She's known me for a very long time, so long that I didn't remember who she was at first. And of course y'all know the love I have for my sister.
This picture was taken during the graduation party that my mom threw for me. I'm so happy I got to share it with some of the most important people in my life. I'm going to treasure this picture forever, and hopefully I'll have another one later that shows my whole family, or at least a bigger portion of it.
And don't forget to like my new Facebook page!
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  1. Woo! Super beautiful! You know what, I don't even have a group photo of my family :(

  2. That's wonderful!!! And I completely understand, it's hard to get group family photos- especially when everyone is an adult.

  3. I love the idea of this project and wish I had seen it sooner to join in! I'm new to HerCampus and love finding fellow college bloggers (Sometimes feel like I'm the only one!)

    xo Shane

  4. you have one great looking family!!!!

  5. This is so sweet! #HCXO



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